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Woman Reading a Book

Print Books

We believe there will always be a place in the world for physical 'hold in the hand' books. And so by popular demand, we also provide a print on demand edition of your book. One book at a time means orders can be fulfilled within a few days at a print facility near you or your readers. Top quality paperback, hardcovers and specialist editions are made available to be distributed world-wide.


Interested? fill out our free-assessment form and we will get back to you within a day or two.

Print Books Process

About Hybrid Publishing

A clear answer to a confused market.

Traditionally, a publishing house presented books into the market, taking full responsibility for whatever was between the covers, and indeed on the cover. Together with our print-on-demand partners, MILL HOUSE PUBLISHERS, we can provide services for the self-publishing author. Book a free consultation with our publisher to learn more.

For the writer who is serious about getting published:


Our Services

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