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Easy and Professional

You write the book - we take care of the rest.
We supply isbn, registration, technical expertise and world-wide distribution. It's as easy as 1 2 3


  1. Upload your work

  2. We assess it and provide a quote.

  3. Your ebook is created by technical professionals.   

You receive a copy to approve and have 2 adjustment opportunities. When all is ready it is converted to a flowable eBook and sent to our distribution partners and you get the returns. We take a fee of 20% and the rest belongs to you. We hold no publishing licence over your work and the copyright is always yours.
We also offer additional design and editorial services as well as a further option to have a print-copy of your book made available world-wide as a print-on-demand edition. You will receive a separate isbn and the royalties and distribution plan is exactly the same as the eBook.
You can also purchase copies by the box for your own use.

Send in a submission form for a free assessment and quote.

Cozy Room
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