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Quality Assured

ePublishify partners have developed skills in editorial management of Academic books over the years as Academic publishers and as book publishing technicians. Today's digital world offers ease of reference, with indexing tools in a hide and reveal menu at the side to readily access the right information or  phrase.
From Academic reference books or dissertations, or the scanning and preserving ancient tomes for posterity, to business books, cook books or children's colour flip-books: we have the experience and the technology to make beautiful and accessible, complex ePublications, best viewed on a tablet.


We also offer additional design and editorial services as well as a further option to have a print-copy of your book made available world-wide as a print-on-demand edition. You will receive a separate isbn and the royalties and distribution plan is exactly the same as the eBook. You can also purchase copies by the box for your own use.
Contact us for a free assessment and discussion about your individual publication needs.

Traditional Library
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